North dakota & clay walls
Photographed 1989 - 1997
This portfolio was created primarily in the North Unit of North Dakota's Theodore Roosevelt National Park. These photographs show a continuation of my interest in creating abstract images, and is, so far, my only departure from the Florida landscape.
These photographs show a continuation of my interest in creating abstract images, and is, so far, my only departure from the Florida landscape.
This portfolio was created primarily in the North Unit of North Dakota's Theodore Roosevelt National Park, situated about 80 miles north of the South Unit, on U.S. Highway 85, just south of Watford City.
“My husband and I vacationed in North Dakota beginning in the late 1980s and eventually built a cabin in the Badlands that we visited for almost ten years.
While roaming the park, I noticed the unique, dramatic natural formations in the rocks and canyon wall, and harsh light creating deep, beautiful shadows.
From the beginning of my photographic career, I had been interested in focusing on smaller areas in the landscape that force the viewer to pause and study the image as an abstraction, so I took photographs without the idea of exact replication, but rather envisioning what I might be able to coax from the images later. I strive to create something simple, and yet complex, out of the chaos of nature.”