shore patterns
Photographed 1998 - 1999
These photos were taken along Flagler Beach in Flagler County, Florida. I looked for material in the black-and-white patterns along the shore and in the ocean.
I learned to anticipate where and how the action was going to unfold and act in the moment.
These photos were taken along Flagler Beach in Flagler County, Florida. I looked for material in the black-and-white patterns along the shore and in the ocean. I created this series of images in a way that is similar to a painter envisioning the work before he or she paints the scene, allowing creativity within a certain framework and vision.
“The abstract work I had done in North Dakota spurred the idea of continuing this approach in Florida, and I eventually combined the two bodies of work in an exhibition.
The images were taken from a fairly high level. I wasn’t able to get much of anything with the camera in a stationary position, so I worked out a system of putting the tripod head in swivel, moving the camera with the action of the waves, and pressing the shutter when it felt right.
I never quite knew what I was getting, but by taking hundreds of shots, I was able to cull good ones, and I was surprised by the success of the compositions. I learned to anticipate where and how the action was going to unfold and act in the moment.”