St. John’s River
Photographed 1993 - 1996
Most of the images were shot from a boat, and it rained during much of this period. I would motor to a location, sink poles into the water, and attach the boat with bungee cords, anchoring it so we wouldn't drift away.
The St. Johns River is unique in that it meanders from south to north.
It meanders from south to north, connecting several small lakes from Central Florida to Jacksonville where it flows into the Atlantic Ocean around Mayport Naval Station. It encompasses many estuaries, logging canals, extensive marsh areas, wetland systems, and bird sanctuaries.
“This portfolio involved some difficult on-sight work. My husband Dick was a huge help in navigating me to various spots. Most of the images were shot from a boat, and it rained during much of this period. He and I would motor to a location, sink poles into the water, and attach the boat with bungee cords, anchoring it so we wouldn’t drift away. Then I’d sink my tripod into the water, place the camera on it (sometimes merely an inch above water), lean over the side of the boat, focus, take a meter reading, and shoot lots of film. We would change fishing camp locations to dock the boat so we could get where I needed to be quickly.
Doing this kind of location work is fascinating in itself, but an added bonus is meeting people who tell you fishing stories or how to watch for snakes that might drop out of trees!”